You’ll find links to a wide range of recreational activities just a short distance away from the Oasis Inn Borrego. We’re just 1/4 mile from the Anza Borrego State Park, so why not start there? But first, be sure to check the weather in Borrego Springs.
Anza Borrego State Park
Did you know that the park’s name is derived from the explorer Juan Bautista de Anza and the Spanish word “borrego,” referring to bighorn sheep? The park features wildflowers, palm groves, cacti and huge, wide-open views. Wildlife is amazingly abundant. You might see roadrunners and golden eagles, kit foxes, mule deer or bighorn sheep, along with iguanas and the ever-present rattlesnake.
Wildflower Hotline: (760) 767-4684
Park Websites
Anza-Borrego State Park Official Website
Anza-Borrego State Park Visitor’s Bureau Website
Anza-Borrego Foundation Website
In Borrego Springs
Desert tours, hikes, guided walks. Golfing. Tennis. The town of Borrego Springs is full of recreational opportunities. Be sure to check out the Anza-Borrego Desert Natural History Association’s site for tips on great hikes and trails.
Borrego Springs Chamber of Commerce
Anza-Borrego Desert Natural History Association
Area activities include desert tours, hiking, biking, golf, horseback riding, tennis, or soaking in the sunshine. Come and enjoy your own oasis in the desert. Enjoy wildflowers, wide open desert landscapes and magnificent mountain views. It’s all here.